Our farm has been successfully using a couple of different Proptek trays for several years with our vegetable production. When presented with an opportunity to raise hemp starts for several area growers we felt the 242 would offer a great compromise of a quality plant and great space efficiency. We seeded well over a half million cells for the 2019 growing season. Plants were transplant ready in about 21-25 days, and with a plug popper allowed us to field plant in as little as 15 days from seeding. The rainy spring delayed some farmer customers who had heavier soils. In some cases this resulted in holding trays for 30-40 days before transplanting. These plants were not showing any signs of being rootbound and are now growing strong in fields around the state. Many hemp farmers saw the enormous advantage of being able to grow a high quality start in a compact cell with quick turnover and are already scheduling for next season.