Details & Features
This 242 cell injection molded plastic seed tray has been developed to replace 200 cell Styrofoam trays. The cell shape and volume are almost identical to the 200 cell Styrofoam tray but with 20% more cells, meaning more plants per square foot. Even though there are more cells in the same space as a 200 count tray, due to the strong nature of injection molded plastic the cell walls can be much thinner, meaning the plant spacing i. e. centre to centre spacing is very similar.
The Proptek 242 also features our patented root technology. Cells have internal vertical root training ribs to guide the roots down to the drain hole. This not only creates excellent roots that make plants easy to pull, it creates a vertical chimney which aids aeration of the root ball and drainage. This all means a higher quality plant that is more likely to survive transplanting and grow vigorously.
Because of the injection molded construction and superior roots, plants pull very easily to help reduce any potential damage to the seedlings from transplanting.
The heavy duty design remains lightweight, but has a long extended working life – usually 10+ years with multiple cycles per year.
Trays can be steam sterilized with no negative effects on life of tray or plant pulling.
Key Features
Cell Count
Outer Dimensions
26" x 13"
Plant Density
98.96 pl/ft.2
Cell Volume
31 cc
Min Order Qty
222 trays
Made In
Suitable For
Fresh Market Tomatoes, Peppers
Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Celery, Melons, Hemp
Cabbage, Lettuce, Processing Tomatoes